Thursday, August 28, 2008

Settling in

It is Thursday morning, and we have just finished planting cabbage, carrots, broccoli, spinach, and later today we will plant onions to complete our fall garden.

August is coming to an end, and this opportunity we have been blessed with this year is just beginning. We are all about moved into our new home, with a few scattered odds and ends lining the first floor hallway. The past week has been one of nailing, hanging, rearranging, organizing, lifting, shifting, and sharing the joy of settling into this community together.

There are seven of us here, Andy McKenzie, Brent Harrison, Dustin Tommey, Erin Miller, Erin Potter, Peter Faile, and Raven Tommey (married to Dustin). We are not definite on what the future holds for the next eleven months, but are excited for the opportunities we will have as a community living together. God has been faithful in bringing each and everyone of us together in our own unique ways. God continually showers us with love that we cannot begin to return in portion, but we pray that we will be able to love each other as he compels us, so much that our love overflows into the community in which we live, and that He may be glorified through that love.

Attempting to live simpler lives together, sharing transportation, food, rent, and financial accountability, we hope to become better stewards of the blessings God bestows on us daily.

Prayer is powerful, we would appreciate your prayers during this time of settling into our new home. Join us as we pray to be of one Spirit in our decision process; we pray for discernment and wisdom; we pray for opportunities in this community in which we can become directly involved; we pray for discipline; we pray for loving hearts, humble and serving.

Join us as we pray for those in this community; the couple down the street who fight constantly over drugs and unfaithfulness; the young men who walk by our house everyday to visit the 'hobo village' where they partake in addictive, self destructive behaviour; the lady and her four young boys who catch the bus outside our home every morning, amidst her harsh words rebuking her children for their every action; the abusive mother further down the street, with daughters in wheelchairs and babies that feel only the touch of a human hand when they are slapped across the shoulder.

This blog is not meant to advertise anything we are attempting to do here, but rather provide an avenue by which others may partake in the small things we are attempting to do with great love. Seven of us live in this house, but so many more are a part of us and the Christ-centered community of hopeful servants, and we want you to be connected with us.
We do appreciate your prayers. May God bless you.

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